How to Become an Insurance Claim Investigator

Investigators protect insurance companies from paying off on fraudulent claims by verifying that the information given to the company is accurate. While not every claim undergoes investigation, any that involve a large payoff or where the company suspects the possibility of fraud typically get a closer look. You can take more than one path to the job if you want to become an insurance claim investigator.

Insurance Claim Investigator Prospects

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the median pay as of 2020 for insurance claim investigators was ​$68,130​ per year. It doesn't expect the number of jobs to increase more than 3 percent by 2030, much less than predicted average job growth. Opportunities that arise are expected to occur due to the need to replace workers leaving the field. The right professional background, skills, and education can help you stand out within the pool of applicants.

Claims Investigator Skills

Before you head for a career in claims investigation, make certain that you have the skills necessary for the job. Interpersonal and communications skills are among the most important things you'll need, since much of the job requires gathering information directly from the person filing the claim or from others who may have knowledge of the situation. Zippia reports that you'll also need to be objective and analytical as you determine whether or not your employer must pay the claim.

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Claims Investigator Training and Background

Many insurance companies prefer to hire people who have a background that's prepared them for claims investigation, such as former private investigators or law enforcement personnel. A background as an insurance examiner or a claims adjuster is also a good way to move into the field of claims investigating. Any of these jobs demonstrates to a potential employer that you have the essential skills needed to become a claim investigator and is likely to help you get the job.

Claims Investigator Education

It may be possible to get a job as an insurance claim investigator with nothing more than a high school diploma and then move to on-the-job training. Typically, you should get more education, since many insurance companies prefer to hire people who have a minimum of a two-year college degree or who have received specialized vocational training. Each state has its own rules about licensing, so in some states you may also have to take a special class and then pass a licensing exam before working on your own.