Parkland Ventures

I've lived in Parkland properties for 6 years now, and twice called for repairs after hours due to emergencies. Once the AC went out when it was over 100 degrees outside, but it was a holiday weekend. Called the emergency number, no answer. Left message, no call back, nothing. Had to get hotel because home was unbearable. Maintenance came by the following week, fixed a blown fuse, no other repairs. AC went out again in a week. Called professional repair company who fixed the root cause of the problem, which was clogged drain in AC which was causing fuse to blow, should have been simple fix for someone who knew what they were doing. Had another problem with clogged sewer drains, same situation, called for maintenance to repair due to plumbing backing up, flooding home. No answer, had to call professionals once again. They told me the root cause of the problem, I forwarded message to office, they did nothing to fix problem.

Refused to fulfill terms of lease

At the end of our ten year lease purchase, we were promised the title to our home and 2 months free rent if we signed another 2 year lease. Two months after payoff, they want another deposit to renew the lease, there is NO FREE RENT and they have failed to provide proof of ownership for our mobile home.

Reporter4541900 Complaint #: [redacted] Customer Information: [redacted] E-mail: [redacted] Response: We regret to hear that the Customer is having a problem with the heating and ac unit in her home We investigated her complaint and have determined that we have acted expeditiously and professionally in response to her requests for repairs Below is the background in this matterOur management team received a voice message from the Customer on the “emergency” phone line on Saturday 11/11/advising that the Customer’s ac unit was not working The high temperature that particular Saturday was degrees and the Customer did not advise there was some urgent need for emergency repairs For these reasons it did not appear to be a true “emergency” call, so the matter was dealt with according to our standard process and addressed within two business days Our management team scheduled the ac unit for repairs on 11/14/ The ac unit was repaired on 11/14/and both the ac and heat were checked and found to be in working order prior to our management team leaving the Customer’s home We received notice from the Customer that the heat was not working on Monday, 11/20/ Our management team investigated and it appeared there may be an issue with the fuse in the unit, so our management team immediately contacted a third party HVAC company to inspect and repair the unit on 11/21/ The HVAC company technician determined the unit required a part, which was immediately ordered In the meantime, we provided the Customer with portable heaters Hopefully the replacement part will resolve the matter, but if it does not we will continue to work with the Customer until it is resolved like we work with all of our residents in all of our beautiful communities throughout the USA We do appreciate this Customer making this community her home


Park manager fails to clean up trash and leaves in all common areas and dumpster area I complained to the current manager, he stated it's not in the budget and it'll not get done I told him I should receive a rent abatement for having to constantly pick up leaves from common areaHe say no, I'm not giving you a rent abatement I am a year resident of this park, never missing or late with a payment, and this is the most neglected I've seen it during that time Another resident was complaining too at the same time and as we were walking out I stated to her that nothing will ever change with this manager The manager ran out and said what a [redacted] thing to say We both stated we were long time residents and repeated above statement of neglect He told me that maybe it's time for you to move. Really

Reporter4409623 Complaint #: [redacted] Customer Information: [redacted] [redacted] Response:We regret to hear that [redacted] is unhappy with his water bill, and with the procedures the community is phasing in When [redacted] moved into the community in 2012, [redacted] was subsidizing residents’ water bills Residents were then being charged based on estimated usage gleaned from individual meter readers This process was found to be faulty, inefficient, and in some instances burdensome on the residents As a result, the community switched to a Ratio Utility Billing System (RUBS) in which a significant portion of the overall bill was subsidized by the community before the remainder was distributed amongst the residents The RUBS is an efficient and equitable process, and an approved method of utility billing in Missouri In fact, the community currently subsidizes far more than the recommended portion to be deducted for common area water usage Since a resident’s utility bill is generally their responsibility under the lease, the community has elected to phase out the percentage of the water bill being subsidized by management Please see the attached “no rent increase letter” notifying the residents on the details of the policy changes Also attached is [redacted] lease Notice §4(d)(i) where residents agree to pay landlord for utility charges as agreed, and §which allows for adjustments to utility payment policies All residents were given adequate notification of the change in policy It is unfortunate that [redacted] utility costs have risen, but the community will not be making a change to our policy In fact, [redacted] utility charges went down by $from October to November, and did not go above $in While he can expect an increase, his water bill certainly will not double The community instituted the RUB System to ensure that each resident is treated fairly and uniformly We believe this to be the best decision for our residents and the community The state of Missouri has approved usage of the RUBS system in this manner Again, we regret that [redacted] is disappointed with the change

Reporter4345252 I have reviewed the offer made by the business in reference to complaint ID [redacted] , and have determined that this proposed action would not resolve my complaint For your reference, details of the offer I reviewed appear below [Provide details of why you are not satisfied with this resolution.] Regards, [redacted] According to The first manager, the floor was "new" and made new a week prior to moving in, upon inspecting it, the work was never doneOn or around 5/7/i did inquire about late charges, I also informed the operations manager about problems I fixed myself due to electric not on, and frozen water pipes at time of move inI also informed him of a 3rd problem which he said would be fixed and never wasThe skylight above the bathtub in the master bath leaks when it rainsIt's now 9/14/and the skylight was never fixed and still leaksHe then asked if there were any other problems that I knew ofI told him I would do another walk through since the manager upon move in had quit the day after I moved in, and refused to write anything down on the walktrough papers The call log records might show that I informed the main office about the septic on 7/24/14, but whats not showing is all the messages left beginning a month and a half prior to that date for the property manager, and face to face talks about not only the floor, but the septic also were never submitted to the main office in virginia! By telling me no member of Parkland Adventures, or [redacted] lied to me was an absurd statementClearly the property manger who told me the floor and septic would be fixed a.s.a.plied, and also the operations manager who said the skylight would be fixedThe operations manager may have looked at the septic leak while I was at work, I have small ponds forming and a river in my backyard of septic waterI drove through it with my lawnmower, and the mower sunk down on one side so far I thought it was going to flip over! Is he looking at the neighbors house while making that response that it was damp? The stench is so bad, especially in the morning that I want to puke while walking to my truck leaving for work! [redacted] should take responsibility on work that was supposed to be done prior to move in that was never done, and also whatever was doctored up to look like the work done was done right, but in reality was only a temporary fix that was destined to break in a short amount of time (work that was rigged up to look good for a month or so)


This issue was caused by a third party's manufacturing defect, and is being resolved through cooperation with the customer Please see the attached outline and explanation Thank you Response: Parkland Ventures and the customer are cooperating to resolve this issue Please see the following: On June 22nd, the home office of ParkLand Ventures was notified of the problem at Brookshire Village lot 217, the residence of Mr [redacted] ***The office immediately requested a bid from a licensed and insured contractor frequently used in the areaBrookshire received and approved a repair bid, and scheduled repairs within hours of the customer’s requestWork began on June 23rd, and was completed that dayHowever, according to the contractor, there was not room in his truck to take the old insulation and belly bag; so, he came back the following morning and removed all debrisThe invoice for repairs was paid by Brookshire Village to the contractorWe regret that the debris was not able to be removed from the lot immediatelyIt was discovered that the kitchen sink drain had not been properly plumbed to the main plumbing drain of the home when being assembled at the factory of [redacted] of Savannah (“ [redacted] ”)The plumbing had come loose at some point between manufacturing and discovery of the issue necessitating Mr***’ callThe defect could not have reasonably been discovered before the resulting damageMr***, community management, and the Jefferson County inspector had all inspected and approved this rental home prior to occupation [redacted] was notified of the factory defect on the day the home office was contacted by Mr [redacted] (June 22nd)In accordance with [redacted] 's bill back warranty program, Brookshire will send all invoices arising from this issue to [redacted] and request reimbursementParkLand acted quickly and in good faith to make the repair to industry standardsHowever, the initial contractor’s repairs were found to not be up to Jefferson County codeAfter searching for bids, Parkland urgently contracted a licensed plumber to inspect the issue and complete any necessary, additional workThe plumber is scheduled to complete that work today, July 13thAfter repairs are completed, the Jefferson County inspector will re-inspect the plumbing for local code complianceOnce the repairs and inspection are completed, Mr [redacted] has expressed his intent to respond to this conversation; and to bring his rental account current with a zero balanceBrookshire Village and Parkland Ventures sympathize with Mr [redacted] over the inconvenience he endured not being able to use the kitchen sink for several daysBrookshire and ParkLand will continue to work with Mr [redacted] and [redacted] to ensure that all necessary work is completed in a reasonable timeAll costs associated with resolving this issue will be submitted to [redacted] for payment under their manufacturer’s warranty as this was a latent manufacturing defectMr [redacted] will pay amounts due (home/lot rent) under his lease, but will not be charged for any costs associated with this issue


I am a resident of parkland ventures mobile home Park in Missouri and they lied to me about the mobile home and took advantage of a disabled veteranThe management here lies to until you and when you move in she said everything would be taken care ofThe lease is pages long they rushed me and when I did read the whole lease no oral agreement is honoredShe would never return my callsThey finally sent someone from the home office in Virginia to Missouri and is trying clear up the mess they madeThe new manager is a corporate guy and just cares about there money and nothing elseI do not recommend anyone to parkland ventures mobile home park.They lie and don't care about you just there moneyI can't wait to leave the park and never look back


The plumbing issue cited in the tenant's original complaint has now been resolved The County Inspector's certification of the work is attached to this response While we apologize that there was additional delay in completing repairs of the latent manufacturer's defect discovered at this home, the community is dependent on the availability and scheduling of third-party contractors in cases such as this where it becomes necessary to employ additional repair or maintenance support All repairs were made at no cost to the tenant The confusion surrounding the conversation and statements regarding the "balance being brought to zero" was a misunderstanding Under the lease agreement and Missouri law, a tenant is required to pay the amounts owed under the lease on time or be subject to the landlord's available legal remedies The tenant has the option to withhold rent or "repair and reduce" in certain situations if the statutory guidelines are followed When discussing the issues with Mr***, it was made clear that the account would of course have to be brought to a '0' balance in some fashion It was also discussed that the community's warranty claims against [redacted] could not possibly be settled until after work was complete and all final costs to the community were known; and that if some concession were to be made by the community, or that the tenant were to have a successful claim for relief against [redacted] homes, application of those potential amounts to the tenant's ledger would be discussed at that point The community has not, and does not by anything included in this response waive any of its rights or remedies under the lease or applicable law Brookshire Village at no point intended to misrepresent our position or our discussions with Mr [redacted] to the The tenant has also taken issue with the fact that the serial number of his rental home differs from differs from that listed on his Reservation Deposit and Agreement [As an aside for clarification purposes it must first be made clear that the community purchases homes from an independent, third-party manufacturer; and then leases those company-owned homes to residents.] A Reservation Deposit and Agreement states that the prospective tenant is paying consideration to the landlord to reserve a lot for their rental in the community for a certain time and for the landlord to purchase a new home to place on that lot and rent to the tenant Mr [redacted] signed one of these agreements on September 27, that specified a Reservation Date of November 1-15, The Agreement states in relevant part that "if Applicant fails to sign a lease with the Landlord for the Premises and pay all funds due at the time of signing the lease on or before the Reservation Date, the Deposit will be forfeited." Mr [redacted] and his wife did not move in to the community until February 10, Under the Agreement, the community was only required to hold the lot and order a home until the passing of the Reservation DateMr [redacted] was given from Sept27th to Nov15th, to sign a lease, and did not The specific home listed by serial number with "may change" next to it on his original Reservation Deposit Agreement was therefore leased to another applicant The Agreement also allowed the reservation deposit amount to be collected in installments, detailing that Mr [redacted] would pay "$on 10/11" and "$on 10/25." The community received the first $on 9/when the Agreement was signed, then $on 12/6/and no further payment until another Reservation Deposit Agreement was signed on January 31, Despite the breach of the initial Agreement, the $Mr [redacted] had paid to date was applied to the Reservation Deposit of the January 31st Agreement At the time the January Reservation Deposit Agreement was signed, the home originally purchased by the community for rental to Mr [redacted] was leased to another applicant due to the breach of the September Agreement The community was forced to purchase a new home of the same make and model to lease to Mr*** The January Reservation Deposit Agreement contains a clerical error in that the serial number section was not changed to reflect a new home being purchased by the community Nevertheless, Mr [redacted] had been made aware when signing the initial Agreement in September that the particular home (identified by serial numbers) may be subject to change since placement is dependent on availability and the applicant fulfilling their obligations under the agreements Indeed, the lease Mr [redacted] signed for the lot and home clearly identifies the serial number matching the home in which he currently resides A copy of that agreement is available upon request Mr [redacted] had retained the community's purchase order form for the home that was ordered based on the ***' Sept27th Agreement The community apologizes for any confusion caused the slight clerical error, or by Mr***' retaining the community's order form for purchase of a home for his records It also appears there is damage allegedly caused during the installation of the home This issue has been mentioned by Mr [redacted] in separate emails to which he attached photographs Now that the community has been made aware of this issue, they will follow existing procedures and the terms of their agreements to complete repairs within a reasonable time at no cost to the tenant if the alleged damage was indeed caused during installation of the home Brookshire Village regrets that Mr [redacted] is not currently happy with his experience in the community, and hopes that this clarification and completion of the necessary repairs will improve the situation for he and his family The community does have procedures in place to accommodate residents who desire to switch from different lease types or lengths of term However, Mr [redacted] should be aware that the first qualification to be eligible to transfer is to have at least a $outstanding balance on your resident account If he would like to alter his lease agreement, the community management will be happy to discuss that with him The community is also willing to discuss the possibility of crediting the late fees assessed to the ***' account as a concession for inconveniences