How to Get a Job at Apple: Job Application, Interview & More

how to get a job at apple

With its logo, revolutionary electronics, and a deceased visionary CEO, Apple is one of the most famous companies in the world. So you may be wondering how to get a job at Apple and how is it to work there.

To own an Apple product has been for long perceived as a sign of success and privilege — and the same goes for working at the company that makes them.

In this article, you'll get to learn what positions at Apple are the most competitive and how much you can earn if you get them.

You'll also find out what are the requirements for your acceptance, what should an Apple-worthy resume look like, and much more.

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Table of Contents

The basics: about Apple

Apple was founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. Its headquarters are located in California and over the last two decades, Apple has managed to become the largest tech company (by revenue).

In fact, since June 2022, Apple is the world's biggest company by market capitalization.

Apple is the most famous for producing:

Thanks to its clever branding — and, let's be honest, inaccessibility — Apple has one of the most loyal brand customers.

On the other hand, Apple receives also a lot of criticism. That is due to their business ethics, material sourcing, impact on the environment, and also the way Apple constructors are treated in their factories located outside of the U.S.

It’s not all bad news, though. And there are plenty of jobs within Apple that will both satisfy you and also enhance the “work experience” section on your resume.

And if you work in the corporate, many praise the Apple work culture.

So scroll to the next chapter to see which job positions are available to you at Apple.

Apple job positions

Apple is a massive company with offices and shops located all around the world. This means that they offer truly a wide range of jobs.

But with Apple being a tech firm, most positions are — surprise surprise — IT-related. These are also among the best-paid ones.

Some of the most commonly advertised Apple jobs are in:

Apple internships

Like many other corporates, Apple offers job and training opportunities for students. The most common form of employment for students are Apple's undergraduate internships.

Alternatively, as a student, you can also get a job in Apple retail.

Part-time employment is also possible, both for students and non-students.

Apply for that Apple job right now

Create and edit your resume on the go

What are Apple's hiring requirements?

Apple's hiring preferences are based on the position that you want to apply for.

For a junior position in technical support and sales assistant in the Apple store you need to:

For a store manager positions:

Employees in corporate positions:

And finally, software developers:

Is it hard to get a job at Apple?

Thanks to its well-established name and well-crafted brand image, Apple doesn't have any shortage of job applications.

However, the difficulty of landing a job there heavily depends on which position you're applying for.

For instance, only 2% of job candidates who apply for a job in software engineering land the job.

Also, you have to be an experienced professional. You won't find many 22-year-old graduates walking around Apple Head Quarters.

Most corporate and IT Apple employees have at least 2 (but ideally more than 5) years of experience.

How to apply for a job at Apple

So now that you know what positions are out there, let's see how you can apply for a job at Apple:

  1. Your first step should be going to the Apple careers page to see all the available positions.
  2. Here, you can search for the perfect job position using the filter located on the left side of the page. Filter the jobs based on your location, team, language skills, or keyword.
  3. If you see a job posting that could be a good match for you, click on it and see the job description and requirements.
  4. Once you decide to proceed with your application, select “Submit Resume.”
  5. Then you must create an Apple account. Alternatively, you can use your pre-existing Apple ID to continue in your application process.
  6. Then it's time for you to fill in the online application. You'll have to answer questions regarding your education, academic results, and work experience. You also may be asked about your motivation to work for Apple.
  7. For software engineers as well as designers it's also necessary to prepare and upload a sizable portfolio of your previous work.
  8. Now it's time to wait. If your online application was successful, congrats. Now you can start getting ready for the first interview round.

Pro tip

Don’t forget to make the most out of your network. To have an insider within the company who can give you a reference or bring you up to their boss will significantly increase your chances of being hired.

How to prepare for a job interview at Apple

Depending on which position you're aiming for, the difficulty of the Apple admission process varies.

Generally speaking though, expect multiple rounds of interviews:

how to get a job at apple

  1. The first round of interviews is usually a phone screening.
  2. If the phone conversation was successful and the recruiter liked you, you'll be most likely asked to visit the Apple Assessment Centre. Here, you can expect to go through several types of exercises, including group ones (for them to see how you work within a team), role play, and written exercises.
  3. If you pass all the excercises, you can look towards the final interview. Be prepared, it lasts several hours and it's known to be highly challenging.

What do Apple interviews look like?

The look of apple interviews depends on the position that one applies for. For some jobs, one must successfully deal with coding or problem solving excercises. For others, answering the usual interview questions should be enough.

Take a look below to see what you can expect based on the Apple career trajectory:

“What is your favorite Apple device? Why?”

“Tell me about a time you completely failed. How did you bounce back from it?”

Some of the exercises may look like this:

Determine if the sum of three integers is equal to the given value.

Merge overlapping intervals.

Determine if two binary trees are identical.

Pro tip

Taking an extracurricular coding course is going to look great on your application.

Finally, when it comes to the Apple interview dress code, the key to success is not overdoing it. Apple has a well-known casual approach to professional wear.

Be clean, brush your hair, but don't wear a suit. A nice pair of trousers or a skirt should do it.

After the interview is over, never forget to send a brief and polite “thank you” email.

Apple resume and cover letter tips (+examples)

how to get a job at Apple

Apple resume tips

Resume sample that got a real person hired at Apple

Once you know the theory, it's also helpful to take a look at how these resume elements look applied in practice.

Disclaimer: The resume sample below was kindly provided to us by a real person who used a Kickresume resume template and then got hired by Apple. The resume was later anonymized.

Apple Customer Support Resume Example

How to get a job at Apple

This resume sample was contributed by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

So — what did “Allan” do right?

Apple cover letter tips

Unlike many other tech companies, Apple wants you to submit a cover letter. And since youre facing fierce competition, it needs to be top-notch! This is how you’ll ensure it:

Not enough time?

Let the AI write your resume!

What is it like to work at Apple? Is it hard?

The company culture at Apple has been since its founding in the early 1970s seen as quite unorthodox.

Steve Jobs was famously known for walking around without shoes on. So the company established itself as a somewhat fun and modern place to work.

However, over the year, a lot has changed. While in 2012 Apple was considered the 10th best place to work, in 2022, it found itself in 56th place, according to Glassdoor.

Thanks to the massive size of the company, your employment experience will greatly vary based on the location and also a given job position.

Manufacturers in China will have a different experience of working for Apple than the software developer who stays in the California office.

Speaking for the US worker, the experience of working for Apple is generally good. Here, Apple employees report enjoying the creative company culture, and especially the benefits that they're offered.

Main benefits of working at Apple

How much does Apple pay?

Some final tips for working at Apple

If you're no longer sure if Apple is the right fit for you, go and see if working at Google, Amazon, or NASA won't be a better idea!

FAQ: How to get a job at Apple

Passionate people with drive, ambition, and idealism. Usually between 1.5 and 2 months. So get ready to be patient.

If your initial online application was accepted and you made it to at least one of the rounds of interviews, they will! Even if the answer is no, at least you'll know where you're standing.

Yes, in fact, they do! But only in the last round of the interview process. So be careful who you pick as your person of reference.

Yes, they have posted 100% remote positions in the past, but more often, you'll come across a hybrid or office-based offer.