JEE Books 2023: Preparing for any exam without good books is a total waste of time and effort. So it is important to study from nothing but the best books. When we are talking about the IIT JEE Exam, you need to know the best JEE Books. There are many books on the market, but only some of them are real gems.
All the JEE Aspirants who are confused in choosing the JEE Books for JEE Main 2023 exam preparation can read this article.
Here is a list of recommended JEE Main and Advanced books (subject-wise), mentioned below.
Here is the detailed syllabus for JEE Main 2023 exam, mentioned below.
Download JEE Syllabus PDF
For Paper 2 Aptitude test (B.Arch/B.Planning)
· Awareness of persons, places, Buildings, Materials. Objects, Texture related to Architecture and build—environment.
· Visualising three-dimensional objects from two-dimensional drawings.
· Visualising different sides of three-dimensional objects.
· Mental Ability (Visual, Numerical and Verbal).
· Three dimensional – perception: Understanding and appreciation of scale and proportion of objects, building forms and elements, colour texture, harmony and contrast.
· Design and drawing of geometrical or abstract shapes and patterns in pencil.
· Transformation of forms, both 2 D and 3 D union, subtraction, rotation, development of surfaces and volumes, Generation of Plan, elevations and 3 D views of objects.
· Creating two dimensional and three-dimensional compositions using given shapes and forms.
· Sketching of scenes and activities from the memory of urbanscape (public space, market, festivals, street scenes, monuments, recreational spaces, etc.), landscape (river fronts, jungles, trees, plants, etc.) and rural life.
Part III (Planning)
· General Awareness regarding development issues, government programs/schemes etc.
· Comprehension, critical thinking and analytical skills, graphs, charts and map reading skills, simple statistics, CBSE class X Social Sciences topics.
To prepare efficiently for any exam it is important to follow some tips. That’s why here are some tips to clear the JEE Exams with less hassle.
Get An Ultimate JEE Preparation Tips Here
We have covered everything related to JEE Preparation Books. For any queries regarding the JEE exam, you can ask in the comment box.
It is important to have good IIT JEE Books because even though you are clearing your concepts from the NCERTs, the practical and numerical questions can only be prepared from the reference books. There will be some out-of-the-box questions found only in such books.
For the Mathematics section, you can refer to the following books:
Oswaal Topper\’s Handbook Mathematics For Classes XI & XII Entrance Exams (Engineering & Other Competitions) by Panel of Experts.
Oswaal JEE Main Solved Papers Chapterwise & Topicwise (All shifts 32 Papers) Mathematics Book (For 2023 Exam) by Panel of Experts.
To prepare for the JEE Exam 2023, get a few tips from the above blog.
The mathematics section consists of the following topics:
Complex numbers and quadratic equations
• Matrices and determinants
• Sets, relations and functions
• Mathematical induction
• Permutations and combinations
• Mathematical reasoning
• Limit, continuity and differentiability
• Integral calculus
• Three-dimensional geometry
• Differential equations
• Binomial theorem and its simple applications
• Sequence and Series
• Vector algebra
• Statistics and probability
• Trigonometry
• Co-ordinate geometry
Mock tests are really important to know the strength and weakness of a candidate. He/she can then work on it.