A consent form is required pursuant to the Canadian Privacy Act, which states that personal information shall not, without the consent of the individual to whom it relates, be disclosed.
A properly filled in consent form will ensure timely processing of your order! Print and hand sign directly on the printed form. Each individual 16 years of age or older must sign on their own and the signature must be consistent with the official signature on the passport.
A prefilled consent form will be emailed after you submit an order
IRCCUse for GCMS Notes and Entire File requests from IRCC
CBSAUse for GCMS Notes, CBSA Notes and Entire File requests from CBSA
CSISUse for CSIS Notes requests from CSIS
We accept the 👆 above approved eSign forms if the recommended method of printing and hand signing is not possible (Typing name, initials or uploading an image of a signature is not accepted). Once you have completed the form, all parties will receive an email containing the PDF document. (Signing with blue ink is not required when using the above approved eSign forms)
Whether you hand sign or eSign no one other than the applicant should sign the form and the signature must be consistent with the official signature on the passport. Submitting a properly completed consent form with your request helps to prevent delays. Please note: If using the approved eSign process, you are also required to provide a photo ID with signature (e.g. passport).
It is recommended to provide consent for any individual whose information could be contained in the requested records: your spouse, sponsor(s), co-signor, any family member including children 16 years of age or older. To allow the release of minor children’s information, provide both biological parents consent. Should a child be under the custody of a single parent or a third party, a valid copy of the custody agreement is required. If consent from all individuals is not provided then the government institution will sever information related to the missing consent.
By providing a well-documented application and consent from all individuals you will have access to more information in response to your request, otherwise, some of the information on file would qualify for exemption under s.19 of the Access to Information Act.
Providing a copy of the passport biographical pages (i.e. photo & signature pages) of all applicants will assist the government institution in processing your request; it can be submitted along with the consent form.